Digital Tutors – Creating a 3D Time Warp Effect in Maya and After Effects
在这个Maya和After Effects教程中,我们将创建真人拍摄一个复杂的三维时空扭曲效果,利用Mocha和PFTrack跟踪匹配镜头移动对位技术。我们还将了解在Maya三维摄像机稳定,After Effects中合成。
In this Maya and After Effects tutorial we’ll create the entire pipeline for simulating a complex 3D time warp effect.Topics covered include setting up the live action shoot, rotoscoping techniques using mocha in After Effects and Matchmoving in PFTrack. We’ll also learn about 3D Camera Stabilization in Maya, creating our effect using custom MEL tools and compositing techniques in After Effects.By the end of this Maya and After Effects training, you’ll have the knowledge to create your own 3D time warp effect for your projects.
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