语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件:After Effects
项目文件: 包括
文件大小: 283MB
在After Effects中做书写生长文字动画效果,然后制作成MG动画中常见的液体流动效果,主要用到遮罩、形状图层、钢笔工具、自带Effects,然后K帧关键帧工作。
In this class I want to show you a quick and effective workflow allowing you to make an amazing looking liquidy-displaced text animation. You could compare it to a paint bucket which would be spilled over text with random colors and made it complete. This animation can be great for any kind of youtube video, text animation, logo intro and more! During the class you will learn essential After Effects techniques as well as advanced tricks on how to top-up and make any animation a little more interesting. You will work with Track Mattes, Outlining, Shape Layers, the Pen Tool, Effects, Keyframes
★.音效素材 米松已经更新到313组MG动画音效集合 Motion Graphic运动图形
★.音效素材 好莱坞动作电影军事战争片题材 手枪步枪霰弹枪开枪音效配音
★.音效素材 高科技可视化HUD全息信息图屏幕触摸按钮UI界面特效配音
★.影片中打斗战斗音效素材合集 动作电影片真实打斗搏击常用音效资源
★.WAV无损音效素材 高跟鞋靴子沙雪草地木板上楼梯脚步声高质量采集
★.电影无损音效素材 武打动作片或游戏配音 生物体液血浆溅飞泥浆流血滴
★.音效库 高科技用户界面UI点击触控警告提示反馈游戏交互APP菜单声
★.大自然动物世界无损WAV音效素材 如狮虎狼大象蛇猴子猩猩海豚鱼青蛙鹰