After Effects是谁想要更好地了解先进的技术,设计理念的艺术家,以复杂的运动图形项目。本批中的信息图表驱动的视频,解释社会科技是如何设计解决大规模的社会问题,如肥胖,交通方便,和车祸。介绍例如Animation Composer, Particular, 和 Newton等一些常用插件脚本的使用等
After Effects Breakdowns is for artists who want to better understand advanced techniques, design concepts, and approaches to complex motion graphics projects. The infographics-driven video in this installment, designed for the nonprofit organization Com.unity, explains how social tech is designed to solve large-scale social problems, such as obesity, accessibility, and car accidents. Watch Eran Stern reverse engineer the finished project using his favorite tools: After Effects and a few third-party plugins (Animation Composer, Particular, and Newton).
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