语言: 英语(无中文字幕)
使用软件: Cinema 4D,After Effects, Trapcode Particular
持续时间: 1小时25分
项目文件: 包括
在这After Effects的教程中,我们将学习如何使用Trapcode Particular创建一个长时间曝光光画效果。您将学习如何创建从Illustrator路径,以及如何从CINEMA 4D的灯光导入到After Effects作为粒子发射器使用CINEMA 4D样条路径。你将有一个坚实的了解如何创建自己的效果,使用样条曲线的运动路径动画粒子发射器在三维空间。
In this After Effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a long exposure light painting effect using Trapcode Particular. Along the way, you’ll learn how to create spline paths in CINEMA 4D from Illustrator paths and how to import the lights from CINEMA 4D into After Effects to use as particle emitters. By the end of this After Effects training, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to create your own effects using splines as motion paths to animate particle emitters in 3D space. Software required: Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe After Effects CS5.5, Trapcode Particular 2.0.
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