了解After Effects CC 2015 新界面,并掌握的组合物,图层,动画,特效,3D和渲染六大基础。
After Effects CC Essential Training covers all of the fundamentals required to get new video editors and mograph artists up to speed with this powerful program. The first two chapters explore the key concepts, terminology, and interface of After Effects, and break down the six foundations of After Effects mastery—compositions, layers, animation, effects, 3D, and rendering.
– Building graphics such as lower thirds, logos, and credit rolls
– Repairing and retiming video
– Keying green-screen footage
– Rotoscoping
– Animating a 3D logo
– Motion tracking
★.AE脚本动画关键帧延迟控制运动图形MG神器 Mt.Mograph Link V1.5
★.AE脚本Motion v2图形运动动画神器 MG关键帧动画曲线脚本 带使用教程
★.30天计划学习AE初级到高级全面教程 30 Days of After Effects 【米松推荐】
★.AE高级教程-Plexus2插件点线空间平滑摄像机运动 实用推荐教程
★.Mt. Mograph AE&C4D图形动画教程合集 更新到第70集