在这一系列的CINEMA 4D的后效果教程,我们将从平面设计到一个完全的复合三维动画以标识标志。我们将开始学习如何准备在Illustrator是花键的CINEMA 4D的进口。然后,我们将添加深度,旋转,摄像机运动,照明和材料带标志的生活。
In this series of CINEMA 4D and After Effects tutorials, we’ll be taking a logo from it’s flat design to a fully composited 3D logo animation. We’ll begin by learning how to prepare the logo in Illustrator to be imported as splines to CINEMA 4D. Then, we’ll add depth, rotation, camera movement, lighting and materials to bring the logo to life.
We’ll learn how to add some quick variation to the look of the animation with Mograph and how to use tags to get a quick, easy, and effective camera animation. Once we set up the render in CINEMA 4D, we move on to After Effects, where we’ll begin the compositing process.
In the After Effects portion of the course, we’ll add Lens Flares that play an important role in the overall look of the animation. We also add particles that help to sell the depth that we established with our camera settings in the 3D application.
We finish off by adding a few realistic lens effects that punch up the final look from good, to great. By the end of this CINEMA 4D and After Effects training, you’ll know how to take a flat logo and turn it into something amazing.
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