Is that bland, overcast sky killing your shot? Have you needed a beautiful sunset in your scene and Mother Nature has been uncooperative? How about shooting at night and finding that the moon and stars are barely visible while your talent is over or under exposed? Or have you needed to match the sky multiple day shoot or reshoot and the sky is just not right?
Don’t fret! All is not lost. Michele Yamazaki of Toolfarm explains how to easily take an uninspiring sky and turn it into a gorgeous scene in After Effects, using both standard plug-ins and third party plug-ins. She walks users through brightening up a blue sky for a beautiful afternoon shot, then creating a tranquil sunset scene with the same footage. Then, she gives some details on creating surreal night scene.
Michele uses Imagineer mocha to match move celestial elements into the sky and Red Giant Magic Bullet Looks for color grading, but she suggests utilizing which ever tools you have on hand.
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