Digital Tutors–Integrating Titles and Graphics into Footage in After Effects CC
在本系列教程中,我们将讨论一些不同的方法来合成字幕和图形为移动画面素材。我们将开始与一个有问题的镜头含有大量的水,很难追踪。我们将使用After Effects内置的3D摄像机跟踪器插件。
In this series of tutorials, we’ll talk about some different ways to integrate titles and graphics into moving footage. We will start with a problematic shot containing a large body of water that is hard to track. We’ll use the 3D camera tracker built into After Effects to give us tracking information.
Next we’ll figure out what we can do to anchor the 2D text without using the water in our shot and how to make our text look like it belongs there. Next we’ll utilize the ability to extrude text with the Ray-traced renderer to create a more 3D looking title with lights and shadows for our city scene. And finally we’ll create an animated graphic that we’ll integrate into a nature scene and learn how to overcome time-mapped footage when using the camera tracker.
By the end of this training, you will have an understanding of how the 3D camera tracker works, how to get around some of the limitations of using the Ray-traced 3D renderer and a few ways that can help your titles and graphics look more integrated in your own projects.
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