运动跟踪是视觉特效效果和CG工作的一个重要的部分,但它也是一个非常有价值及更简单的应用程序。在本课程中您将了解许多不同的用途和运动跟踪应用程序,以及如何使用运动跟踪工具,如Adobe After Effects内置插件,和第三方跟踪器像Mocha AE。
Motion tracking is an essential part of visual effects and CG work, but it is also a really valuable tool to have for more simplistic applications. In this course you’ll learn a number of different uses and applications for motion tracking, and how to use motion tracking tools built-in to Adobe After Effects, and third-party trackers like Mocha AE.
With these tools we will be able to clean up portions of our scene, add text to just about anything, and pull off some more advanced tracks.
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