在After Effects中创建3D文本效果的方法很多,包括After Effects的自身光线追踪3D功能,第三方插件,脚本,和现在CINEMA 4D的精简版。
在这个过程中,动画老将叶兰斯特恩讨论的选项和它们的优点和缺点。他还将比较2D和3D效果,并讨论技术,以确保你的工作看??起来不错,你的信息是明确的。此外,了解其行为类似于subsoftware内After Effects的工具,让您比以前更快地创建令人惊叹的3D文字。从内置的工具,以先进的第三方插件,如Element 3D、BCC Unitst和Invigorator Pro。
3D Typography in After Effects | 5h 10m | Intermediate | Jul 17, 2014 | 1.15 GB
There are many options for creating 3D text in After Effects, including After Effects’ own ray-traced 3D feature, third-party plugins, scripts, and now CINEMA 4D Lite. But which one is best for you?
In this course, motion graphics veteran Eran Stern discusses the options and their pros and cons. He’ll also compare 2D and 3D typography, and discuss techniques to ensure your work looks great and your message is clear. Plus, learn about tools that behave like subsoftware inside After Effects, allowing you to create stunning 3D text faster than ever before. From built-in tools to advanced third-party plugins, such as Element 3D, BCC Units, and Invigorator Pro, this is your chance to find out which one suits your needs and budget.
Why good typography matters in motion graphics
Creating faux 3D and pseudodepth
Using the ray-traced 3D renderer
Extruding text in C4D Lite
Working with BCC Units 3D Objects, Invigorator Pro, and Element 3D
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