在本系列教程中,我们将谈论的在After Effects中笔刷工具。我们将通过逐渐熟悉如何画笔工具操作和各种控件,并设置了可启动。
In this series of tutorials, we’ll talk about the brush tools in After Effects. We’ll start by getting familiar with how the brush tool operates and the various controls and settings that are available.
We’ll talk about techniques for animating the paint strokes and also ways to use the brush tool to create animations for revealing layers in a composition. We’ll go over how we can add expressions to paint strokes that we’ve created to animate their properties. We’ll also talk about the eraser tool and its similarities and differences to the brush tool.
Next we’ll explore how the clone stamp tool works and we’ll learn some great ways to preview clone sources. And finally, we’ll learn how we can combine tracking information with the clone tool to clone out imagery from moving footage.
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