语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Cinema 4D R20
项目文件: 无
文件大小: 399.71 MB
在这期C4D教程中,作者Athanasios将向您展示从头到尾制作三维玻璃文字破碎过程,教程涉及到了如何使用Voronoi Fracture Object的Extruding Text和Fracturing功能。以及如何创建一个玻璃材质,并使用内容浏览器中的高动态范围图像对其进行照明。最后将细节玻璃碎片,使碎片相互粘附,添加fake和快速分散,达到可控的方式显示裂缝。
In this feature packed mini Series, Athanasios will show you the process of making a Dynamic Glass Fracturing setup from start to finish, that looks awesome, and only takes a few moments to set up.We will start from the easy process of Extruding Text and Fracturing it using a Voronoi Fracture Object. We will then create a Glass Material and light it with a High Dynamic Range image from the Content Browser. We will finish the series with detail the glass fragments, make the fragments adhere to each other, add fake and Fast Dispersion and finally Reveal the fractures in a controllable way.
★.4K视频素材99组条纹光线镜头变形耀斑光效动画V32 Light Streaks
★.米松独家破解Massive EffectsAE脚本模板大量效果预设与过渡转场和视频素材
★.Solar Sky 350+种最先进科技宇宙太空飞船声音音效素材