语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Cinema 4D R18
文件大小: 196.99 MB
学习CINEMA 4D R18的新功能,首先是MoGraph运动图形的更新,包括一个新对象(Voronoi Fracture泰森分裂)和效应器(Push Apart),以及克隆控件,效果器的Weightmap标签和缓存标签。 在建模,动画和渲染世界中,有一个新的和改进的Knife工具,用于闪光表面的薄膜Thin Film着色器,新的着色器参数和视窗改进,如实时反射和棋盘格。
What’s new in CINEMA 4D R18? To start, there’s updates to MoGraph, including a new object (Voronoi Fracture) and effector (Push Apart), as well as controls for clones, a Weightmap tag for effectors, and cache tags. In the modeling, animation, and rendering world, there’s a new and improved Knife tool, a Thin Film shader for iridescent surfaces, new shader parameters, and viewport improvements like real-time reflections and tessellations. Andy Needham reviews all of these features and more, so you can get up and running with the latest version of CINEMA 4D as quickly as possible.
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