语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Cinema 4D
持续时间: 2小时24分钟
项目文件: 无
文件大小: 2.61 GB
In this course you will learn how to use deformers to animate simple dancing characters in Cinema 4D. By the end of these lessons, you will have the skills necessary to create a professional animation, complete with lighting and sound, using Cinema 4D and After Effects.
★.GreyscaleGorilla Mega Pack 灰猩猩 Cinema 4D预设文件大集合
★.Cinema4DTutorial出品 27套高级C4D案例外语教程 精品
★.【米松汉化版】C4DR16流体水墨烟雾特效插件TurbulenceFD v1.0 Rev1372
★.C4D&AE电视栏目包装教程 时尚玻璃质感案例篇 单帧创意图镜头制作(米松推荐)
★.C4DR16+Realflow2014高级案例教程 流体广告案例水花演绎形成标志动画效果
★.45组三维图表C4D预设 数据信息条形圆柱状饼状折曲点线走势图表