语言: 英语(无中文字幕)
使用软件: Cinema 4D
持续时间: 1小时32分
项目文件: 包括
Have you ever wanted to make an epic car chase scene like in the famous films, “The French Connection” or “The Transporter”? In this video, we are going to cover how to create a dynamic car rig. We will demonstrate setting up proxy colliders and then constrain them to our higher resolution mesh. Next, we’ll practice some tricks like donuts and jumping. And finally we’ll put together an entire street scene to simulate a complete VFX shot. Everyone will enjoy this video for its ability to demonstrate serious VFX power on your computer desktop.
★.4K分辨率电影级RED视频素材 30组华丽光效漏光+20组合成烟雾共15G
★.全高清视频素材 共75组飘舞的粉尘火星粒子(带透明通道)
★.10套VideoHive全高清光效光斑转场漏光粒子素材集合 共186组视频【米松整理】
★.Drag & Drop Series 第2季系列8套超值高品质视觉特效
★.31个高清水墨转场素材带Alpha通道 HD Ink
★.MotionVFX 共9套特效合成素材2&4K电影级分辨率 共132G大
★.【第三季】影视后期精品特效素材包 Digital Juice – Drag & Drop Series 3
★.【第二季】遮罩蒙版转场精品素材包 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series 2