万众瞩目,从柏林2天的集中研讨会,跟进会惊讶甚至硬核C4D用户。主要讲解了C4D高级先进的运动图形,, Advanced MoGraph, Xpresso, Turbulence FD, Krakatoa 与 Python完整教程。
Cinema4d Advanced Production Techniques is back. The highly anticipated follow up from the 2 day intensive seminar in Berlin will surprise even hard core C4D users. Physically based rendering, Advanced MoGraph, Xpresso, Turbulence FD, Krakatoa and a full Python course. Loaded with tips and tricks for optimization, in depth shading techniques and cases from real productions this series takes of where the first one left. An exclusive session with the Arnold render has been added and a Houdini Engine presentation will follow as soon as it becomes available. Stay tuned!
★.C4D R15 破碎插件Nitro4D NitroBlast v1.02 米松汉化版本
★.GreyscaleGorilla Mega Pack 灰猩猩 Cinema 4D预设文件大集合
★.Cinema4DTutorial出品 27套高级C4D案例外语教程 精品
★.三套 AE/C4D原创工程 绚丽光线 87time独家代理:米松
★.64集Mt. Mograph AE&C4D图形动画教程合集 + 5集Goodie Giveaway
★.【米松汉化版】C4DR16流体水墨烟雾特效插件TurbulenceFD v1.0 Rev1372
★.C4DR16+Realflow2014高级案例教程 流体广告案例水花演绎形成标志动画效果