使用Illustrator导入CINEMA 4D挤出字母形式的3D文字和动画,单独利用非常灵活的微动变形,它适用乐趣,独特的动作来每一个字母。接着他补充道明亮,欢快的纹理和照明现场,在After Effects合成完成,这将使您的标志最终的效果显得更加俏皮和表现力。
Mograph Techniques is designed to show artists how to work quickly and efficiently while creating something awesome. This installment shows how to create a bouncy cartoon logo under a tight 2-hour deadline. The techniques shown are nondestructive and fully editable, so the effect can be adapted to any text. Author EJ Hassenfratz uses CINEMA 4D to extrude 3D text from Illustrator letterforms and animate the letters individually utilizing the very versatile Jiggle deformer, which applies fun, unique movements to each one. Then he adds bright, cheerful textures and lighting to the scene, and composites the final effect in After Effects, incorporating some finishing touches that will make your logo seem even more playful and expressive.
* Creating and designing cartoony 3D logo type
* Preparing text to be animated
* Animating with the Jiggle deformer, vertex maps, and other deformers
* Adding random, undulating movement
* Texturing and lighting the logo
* Setting for render
* Compositing in After Effects
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