在这期CINEMA 4D和After Effects教程中,我们学习制作机枪炮台合成的过程。
我们将首先CINEMA 4D完成机枪炮台的模型制作,然后将C4D中的三维数据导入After Effects中,最后AE中完成后期合成。
In this CINEMA 4D and After Effects tutorial we’ll pick up where we left on the Modeling a Machine Gun Turret course.
We’ll begin by organizing our model’s hierarchy to begin animating it into an action scene. Once we finalize our motion, we’ll then continue to reference the environment in which our turret will live. Finally, we’ll end this CINEMA 4D and After Effects training by adding 3D data nulls to help ensure we get proper 3D alignment with our lighting set up and post FX, layers, and atmosphere.
By the end of this CINEMA 4D and After Effects training, we’ll have added texture, light and will have rendered our model to comp into After Effects.
★.C4D R15 破碎插件Nitro4D NitroBlast v1.02 米松汉化版本
★.GreyscaleGorilla Mega Pack 灰猩猩 Cinema 4D预设文件大集合
★.Cinema 4d Vray v1.8.1渲染器汉化版 C4D R12-15 Win/Mac 米松原创作品
★.Cinema4DTutorial出品 26套高级C4D案例外语教程 精品
★.三套 AE/C4D原创工程 绚丽光线 87time独家代理:米松
★.30天计划学习AE初级到高级全面教程 After Effects 【米松推荐】
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★.【米松汉化版】C4DR16流体水墨烟雾特效插件TurbulenceFD v1.0 Rev1372
★.C4D&AE电视栏目包装教程 时尚玻璃质感案例篇 单帧创意图镜头制作(米松推荐)
★.C4DR16+Realflow2014高级案例教程 流体广告案例水花演绎形成标志动画效果