XFrog是一个有机的3D程序分析员,允许您创建和动画三维树木、鲜花、基于自然的特殊效果或建筑形式。Xfrog使得即使是最休闲的用户创建和动画有机模型强大的能力。自2005年发布以来,Xfrog for CINEMA 4D,得到了MAXON认可,迅速成为最受欢迎的C4D插件。所有Xfrog组件可以通过不同的动画参数:增长、数量的分支,吸引力的力量,向地性,或向光性,和每个参数每Xfrog组件可以动画!利用这种灵活性
XFrog软件和XfrogPlants主要生产房屋,客户包括WETA维塔,迪斯尼,Digital Domain,皮克斯,索尼, ILM,梦工厂,电子艺界,索尼娱乐。许多客户购买XfrogPlants并使用他们Xfrog软件。XfrogPlants是现实的,非常详细,充分变形三维植物模型创建Xfrog软件。我们有将近3000个模型,600种代表,可下载的库或作为单独的植物在Maya, max, c4d, lwo, modo, microstation, Vue, obj, bryce, 3ds, 和 xfr(xfrog) formats格式。
Xfrog and MAXON can look back on more than a decade of close cooperation and we value Xfrog as a very reliable and innovative partner. With more than 3,000 Cinema 4D customers using the Xfrog software, it has evolved to one of the most popular commercial 3rd party plugins for CINEMA 4D. This powerful organic modeler integrates seamlessly in our software and the expansive libraries cover all imaginable facets.
Xfrog 5.3 for CINEMA 4D adds seven procedural Objects to CINEMA 4D.
By combining Xfrog Procedural Objects with each other and with any CINEMA 4D Objects, you can quickly create very realistic organic models and animations far beyond the existing capabilities of CINEMA 4D.
– The Branch Object is for easily setting up elaborate multi-level branching structures with numerous parameters to give them a natural look.
– The Phyllotaxis Object arranges other Objects on an abitrary surface of revolution, according to the rules of nature (golden section).
– The Hydra Object arranges Objects in a circular pattern.
– The Curvature Object creates Splines which can be used as a basis for naturally curved leafs or twigs.
– The Variation Object allows you to use multiply different Objects with Branch, Phyllotaxis and Hydra.
– The Tropism Object lets your spline-based objects (like Branch, but also the CINEMA 4D SweepNURBS) bend towards an abitrary direction or position.
– The Deviation Object is a simple way to add natural detail to your Branches, by deviating a Branch Object at the places where other Branches emerge.
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