Din3D文件可以快速轻松地导入到CCinema 4D中,有一个直接链接到ArchiCAD中,还可以修改模型,而所有的材质设置等变化仍然存在。
Din3D files are quickly and simply imported in MAXON Cinema 4D. There is a direct link to ArchiCAD. Replacement of changed model is also possible while all the material settings and other changes remain.
The objective of the development of this file format was that it could, as much as possible, provide the visualization programs with the information of the structure and hierarchy of ArciCAD beside the 3D model. The model was complemented C4D, this information did not lose in the upgrade. Very fast plugin.
Download and try Din3D importer plugin for Cinema 4D.
In Demo version you can import 10 times, but model update is not possible.
Din3D is available now for 39 Euros in webshop.
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