Octane Render是世界上第一个真正意义上的基于GPU、全能、基于物理渲染的渲染器。这意味着什么?只使用你计算机上的显卡,就可以获得更快、更逼真的渲染结果…相比传统的基于CPU渲染,它可以使得用户可以花费更少的时间就可以获得十分出色的作品
Octane Render is a real-time 3D unbiased rendering application that was started by the New Zealand based company Refractive Software. OTOY has now taken over development, the program is currently in beta release.It is the first commercially available unbiased renderer to work exclusively on the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and has the ability to work in real time.This allows users to modify materials, lighting and render settings “on the fly” because the rendering viewport updates immediately whenever a change is made. Octane Render runs exclusively on Nvidia’s CUDA technology and is incompatible with video cards by other vendors
3ds max
Cinema 4d
Sketch up
softimage XSI
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