这次Cinema 4D培训课程向您介绍一些比较流行的特效技术,需要有一定的Cinema 4D基础,教程讲解AE和C4D的交互,流体效果,实拍交互跟踪等技巧。
This Cinema 4D training course from Infinite Skills introduces you to some of the more popular special effects techniques. To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Cinema 4D and its modules.
This course begins with a close look at the new integration between C4D and Adobe After Effects. This feature allows your changes in C4D to be immediately reflected in After Effects, saving you a lot of time with your workflows. The course also shows you some fluid dynamics techniques, and how to track an actor on a green screen and import him to a 3D scene. You will learn some time saving techniques and key tips for working with green screens, and take an in-depth look at the Mograph module.
Once you have completed this comprehensive Cinema 4D techniques tutorial, you will be much more familiar with the techniques that this powerful software has to offer you. Chris has included extensive working files and source files to allow you to replicate what he is teaching you right in Cinema 4D.
★.C4D插件TurbulenceFD v1.0 Rev 1291零售版本【米松汉化】
★.C4D R15 破碎插件Nitro4D NitroBlast v1.02 米松汉化版本
★.GreyscaleGorilla Mega Pack 灰猩猩 Cinema 4D预设文件大集合
★.Cinema 4d Vray v1.8.1渲染器汉化版 C4D R12-15 Win/Mac 米松原创作品
★.Cinema4DTutorial出品 19套高级C4D案例外语教程 精品
★.三套 AE/C4D原创工程 绚丽光线 87time独家代理:米松