Digital Tutors – Tips for Motion Graphics Lighting and Materials in CINEMA 4D
在本系列教程中,我们将继续在CINEMA 4D用于灯光和材质的技巧提示。你可能会遇到当你正在创建运动图形常见的事情,你需要一个快速解决方案或一个更好的方法,使东西看起来更逼真。
In this series of tutorials, we’ll go over tips for lighting and materials in CINEMA 4D. These tips are common things you might encounter as you are creating motion graphics and you need a quick fix or a better way to make something look more realistic.
We’ll learn things like recipes for difficult textures such as metal, and clear plastic, as well as adding a semi-transparent texture onto an existing texture on a single object. We’ll also learn about a few tags that can help when you need specific settings for the way you’d like your texture to render. We’ll learn how to achieve trendy looks like
Introduction and project overview
Reflections: Using Fresnel
Metal: reflections, inherent colors, and anisotropy
Projection textures
Reflections in clear objects
The Stick Texture Tag
Totally matte: Stylizing textures for 2D motion graphics with 3D depth
Using the lighting tool
A few tips in the details tab for lights
Using Compositing Tags with reflection planes
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