This tutorial is designed to get you into Xpresso quickly from scratch, it is for both beginners and advanced users. It assumes some basic knowledge of Cinema 4D.
Xpresso is powerful and versatile node based, visual programming language in Cinema 4D. Most of you will feel intimidated with term “programming language” but literally everyone can master Xpresso without any prior programming knowledge.Starting with basic principles and data types, vectors and matrices, boole, logic, global and local, through all nodes and iterations, user data, python scripting, scene files containing prototypes with remarks and much more you will get proficient in Xpresso in no time.
True power of Xpresso comes to life when you realize that it is actually anintegral part of Cinema 4D, woven deeply into core of Cinema 4D and knowing just a bit of Xpresso will greatly expand your creative and technical capabilities with Cinema 4D.
Tutorial set is very comprehensive and total lesson time is 6 hours. Scene files containing prototype examples used throughout the training are included.
01. Intro_do_NOT_skip
02. Fundamentals and principles
03. Simple_Data_types
04. Complex_data_types
05. Global_and_Local
06. General_nodes
07. Adapters
08. Boole
09. Calculate
10. Script
11. Logic
12. Iterators
13. Userdata
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★.Cinema4DTutorial出品 16套高级C4D案例外语教程 精品
三套 AE/C4D原创工程 绚丽光线 87time独家代理:米松