We just launched a?HUGE new update to Transform. This is the biggest update we have ever made to any plugin. We added a bunch of new features in the latest version including the ability to break apart models and text into individual polygons. Then, you can animate each polygon using one of our new presets or using the “Custom Mode” that allows you to make your own animation with no keyframes.
Learn More About Transform
Easy Text Animation
Animate Individual Polygons
NEW SuperText? Plugin Included
SuperText is a new plugin that is included when you purchase Transform. Use it to make animating type and vector logos even easier. Use SuperText with MoText and Transform to create tons of different polygon, texture and subdividing effects.
Like all of our plugins, it’s all procedural so you can change your text at any time. Chop up and subdivide your text without making anything editable.
- Easily and Evenly Subdivide Your Text?– For polygon or chunking effects with Transform.
- Fix Cubic Projections?– to make all your textures perfectly stick to your type with one click.
- Bake Geometry While Keeping Your Text Parametric?– to fix typefaces for rendering or sharing with clients.
Want to see Transform in action inside of Cinema 4D. Watch the video below to learn about how we use Transform to make animated titles, and detailed polygon transitions.
Transform In Action
We made a “What’s New” video that shows some of the new features and modes for the latest version including SuperText, Poly Mode, and some of the new animation presets. Check it out below.
What’s New In Transform v1.2
Thanks for reading and watching about what?Transform v1.2?can do for your animation workflow. I really appreciate you checking it out. Please?head over to the store?if you want to learn more about it or purchase it. Thanks for supporting Greyscalegorilla.
Current Transform Customer?
This is a free update. Visit our?Updates Page?and enter the email you used to purchase Transform to get your free update.