在Cinema 4D中将材质应用到多个运动图形对象是一件不容易的事。在本教程中,您将学习如何将跨多个克隆弯曲对象跨越创建一个无缝的外观的位图图像。一个免费提供教程使用第三方插件的帮助下,你可以将此技术应用到其他情况,给自己更多的灵活性,当涉及到纹理。
Applying textures to multiple mograph objects can be a bit tricky in Cinema 4D. In this tutorial, you will learn how to attach a bitmap image that spans across multiple cloned bent objects to create one seamless look. With the help of a free third party plugin, you can apply this technique to other situations to give yourself more flexibility when it comes to texturing.