In this tutorial, Aleksey Voznesenski will go over some of the changes that have happened in recent versions of Cinema 4D. The particular focus of this lesson will be how these changes have effected Aleksey’s previous Jumping Lamp Animation in C4D tutorial here on Cgtuts+. These tips are especially useful if you are having issues following the tutorial, or other tutorials created with earlier releases of Cinema 4D. Aside from that, they are still very handy tips that will likely be helpful in your day to day usage of C4D.
Topics include:
Adjusting area lights proportions, i.e. how to make them rectangle and why the handles don’t show up sometimes.
Default key interpolations and how to change them.
Why objects aren’t showing up in the expanded timeline window
The layer panel in short.
Broken Parent Tags in recent versions of C4D. How to use PSR tags with nulls to compensate, with joint snapping.
Cinema 4D制作跳灯动画教程