语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Houdini 15.5
持续时间: 3小时31分钟
文件大小:1.01 GB
项目文件: 包含
Info: In this course, Scott Pagano explores Houdini and shows how to use its massively powerful dynamics system to create a range of simulations. Scott provides an overview of the dynamics context, and moves on to a range of project-based examples that illustrate how to use an array of simulation types. Starting with rigid body dynamics, he explores how to properly prepare geometry for destruction and build a destruction simulation system, as well as how to create a soft body organic dynamic simulation with Wire and Finite Element solvers. He then shows how to wrap up your object destruction system as a Houdini digital asset for use in Maya and CINEMA 4D.
★.13套特效合成视频素材2与4K电影级分辨率超高清 共145G大
★.4K分辨率电影级RED视频素材 30组华丽光效漏光+20组合成烟雾共15G
★.视频素材 60组大气唯美精品炫光光晕转场效果光效素材 全高清1080P
★.视频素材 光效影片镜头散景耀斑 4K分辨率3840×2160电影级超高清
★.视频素材 电影级影片镜头爆炸烟雾合成特效 4K分辨率3840×2160资源