语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Houdini 15
项目文件: 包括
Often while working on high-end feature films, TV shows, or commercials, it is necessary to create completely procedural setups that are both robust and controllable. This course, Creating Custom Houdini Solvers with VEX Wrangles, is designed to teach you techniques and workflows to help achieve exactly that. In this course, you will learn how to create sophisticated setups that are required to achieve a completely procedural sticky slime system. First, you will learn to utilize Wrangle nodes extensively with VEX scripting to create a dynamic Sticky Constraint Solver that will be the driving force behind the whole system. In addition to the Sticky Constraint Solver, you will learn how Wrangle nodes can be used inside a DOP Network to control a Position-Based Dynamics Solver, otherwise known as the Grain Solver. The course will also take you through how FLIP simulations can be used to complement the effect. By the end of this course, you’ll have the practical skills to achieve robust, controllable and procedural setups for high-end Houdini VFX projects. Required Software: Houdini 15.
★.米松独家整理2014年度懒人包集合 全高清LED背景视频素材 循环VJ视频素材
★.VJ素材 全高清可循环视频素材 晚会LED大屏幕背景 酒吧DJ灯光舞台必用素材
★.13套特效合成视频素材2与4K电影级分辨率超高清 共145G大
★.4K分辨率电影级RED视频素材 30组华丽光效漏光+20组合成烟雾共15G
★.视频素材 60组大气唯美精品炫光光晕转场效果光效素材 全高清1080P
★.视频素材 光效影片镜头散景耀斑 4K分辨率3840×2160电影级超高清
★.视频素材 电影级影片镜头爆炸烟雾合成特效 4K分辨率3840×2160资源