在这V-Ray Maya教程中,我们将探讨参与创建3D概念创作手法。我们将开始使用基于图像的照明设置先进的照明和阴影技术在Maya V-Ray。然后我们将使用MARI纹理资产,其次是创造我们的最终概念使用核武器。通过Maya V-Ray培训结束,你会有一个坚实的理解工作流程,需要创建在Maya V-Ray和Nuke 工作3D概念。
In this V-Ray for Maya tutorial, we’ll explore the techniques involved in creating a 3D concept creation.We’ll start by using image-based lighting to setup advanced lighting and shading techniques within V-Ray for Maya. Then we’ll use MARI to texture assets, followed by creating our final concept using NUKE.By the end of this V-Ray for Maya training, you’ll have a solid understanding of the workflow that is required to create a working 3D concept in V-Ray for Maya and NUKE.
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