FumeFX for Maya——一个开创性的解决方案,模拟现实和惊人的火,烟雾和爆炸效果。这种独特的插件是一个强大的气态流体动力学仿真器由Sitni Sati与Autodesk Media & Entertainment’s Maya™无缝地集成媒建模和动画软件。设计用于视觉效果艺术家,游戏开发商,和可视化专业人士需求最大的现实主义,FumeFX无可匹敌的能力捕捉流体气体行为的细微差别和复杂性。
FumeFX is a fluid dynamics engine designed for simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosion and other gaseous phenomena. It’s versatility, robustness and intuitive workflow makes it a perfect solution for the most demanding tasks in the computer graphics industry. The core engine allows user to interfere with simulation computation at the lowest level. It is available for 3ds max
插件兼容性: Maya 2012, Maya 2013, Maya 2014, Maya 2015,Maya 2016
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