Arnold是一个高端的Maya照明系统,在过去的几年中,Arnold 已被用于创造独特的视觉效果,主要应用于影视级的故事片,动画片,和高端商业项目。参与制作的动画电影有《怪物房子》,《贝奥武夫》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。
* Render to texture utility
* Convert illumination, shadows, shading, and textures to a single texture file that you can use as a texture map.
* Export displaced geometry utility
* Export the geometry subdivided and displaced by Arnold to an .obj file.
* Transmission component added to the hair shader.
* volume_sample_float and volume_sample_rgb shaders
* Do an explicit lookup from a volume channel and remap its output.
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