在本教程中,您将学习如何使用Houdini 13粒子、刚体动力学和Packed Primitives创建一个粒子爆炸标志特效动画。
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a particle logo explosion using Houdini 13 Particles, Rigid Body Dynamics, and Packed Primitives.
Part 1:?In the first video, we’ll start by pre-fracturing a logo that was brought in as a b/w image. We create curves out of the image and extrude it into a 3D object. We will then use Voronoi Fracturing to pre-fracture the logo. The geometry is then converted to Packed Primitives. A DOPNetwork will be created and the fractured “chunks” will get advected by Houdini 13 Particle Forces. To add artistic controls Vex code will be added to control the release time of each chunk based on proximity to camera and start time of effect.
Part 2:?In the second video, we’ll create Particle Stream emitters based on expressions and HScript that calculate the primitives on the chunks that face the opposite direction of the camera, the surface area of each “chunk”, and the “chunks” velocity. A Second DOP Network will be created for the particle simulation. Once the particle stream is generated we will add a RBD for the particles to collide with the original “chunks.” Finally, we learn how to use the Name SOP and Packed Edit SOP to assign materials to the Packed Primitives.