语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: DaVinci Resolve 12.5
项目文件: 包括
文件大小: 1.56 GB
In this installment of DaVinci Resolve Guru, explore the concepts of log and raw footage. Colorist Patrick Inhofer underscores the disparity between the two recording methods and shows you how to tell the difference when using DaVinci Resolve. This course also shows you how to set your raw settings for a project and individually, shot by shot. Explore the concept of color correcting flat footage shot on a DSLR and how that differs from shooting log and raw.
Once you’re familiar with the differences between log, raw, and flat recordings, explore two different methods for color correcting that footage. First, Patrick shows you how to color correct manually, using the traditional tools in DaVinci Resolve. Then, he explains how to use lookup tables (LUT), and discusses LUT strengths and limitations.
★.影片特效合成视频素材带透明通道 爆炸火焰烟雾穿射闪电流星坍塌
★.mGlitter视频素材 50组4K分辨率大气华丽闪耀金色粒子飞舞合成素材
★.4K分辨率MG动画视频素材 141组二维卡通FX运动图形元素含透明通道
★.实拍影片扣屏幕合成视频素材AE模板 手机iPad平板电脑应用模拟画面
★.4K分辨率(4096×2304)视频素材 100组大气镜头光线光晕耀斑特效