Illustrator CC2015主要新功能包括GPU的性能增强,数据恢复,增强的图形生成器和曲率工具,以及多个更小的改进,使得插画更令人兴奋的工作!
Illustrator has been undergoing another transformation as part of Creative Cloud 2015. The top new features include GPU performance enhancements, data recovery, enhanced Shape Builder and Curvature tools, and multiple smaller improvements that make Illustrator more exciting to work with than ever before. Justin Seeley walks you through all these features and will update the course every time Adobe releases changes to Illustrator in 2015.
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★.全高清视频素材 共75组飘舞的粉尘火星粒子(带透明通道)
★.10套VideoHive全高清光效光斑转场漏光粒子素材集合 共186组视频【米松整理】
Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 (Win/Mac)下载: