了解Premiere Pro的内置视频转场特效和其他效果以创造更好的转换,然后找出如何自定义并保存结果。
本课程着重于如何掌握现有的Adobe Premiere Pro过渡转场,以及如何使用顶级的第三方解决方案。此外,深入讲解了创建自定义的转换,如模糊,闪帧/闪光,褪色,渐变擦除等等…
Learn how to create better transitions by coMbining Premiere Pro’s built-in transitions with filters and other effects, and then find out how to customize and save your results. In this installment of Premiere Pro Guru, Rich Harrington covers best practices for applying, refining, stacking, and saving transitions to produce more-creative, more-professional projects. This course focuses on how to master the existing Adobe Premiere Pro transitions as well as how to use top third-party solutions. Additionally, in-depth coverage is given to creating custom transitions such as blurs, flash frames, fades, gradient wipes, and more.
★.米松独家整理2014年度懒人包集合 全高清LED背景视频素材 循环VJ视频素材
★.VJ素材 全高清可循环视频素材 晚会LED大屏幕背景 酒吧DJ灯光舞台必用素材
★.AE模板+商务休闲实拍视频素材 电脑平板手机绿屏扣像合成 第二季
★.AE模板 商务休闲实拍绿屏幕合成视频素材 手机iPhone与平板iPad展示
★.MotionVFX 共9套特效合成素材2&4K电影级分辨率 共132G大
★.【第三季】影视后期精品特效素材包 Digital Juice – Drag & Drop Series 3
★.【第二季】遮罩蒙版转场精品素材包 Digital Juice Matte Magic Series 2