Smoke是一款集多功能一体化的编辑及后期制作软件,Autodesk Smoke软件带来了集多功能一体化的的专业后期制作工具,可以帮助客户在Mac上完成后期制作流程。Smoke通过基于时间线的整体创意环境提供了业经验证的Autodesk创意后期制作工具。这个熟悉的工作流程使其更加易于学习和使用。无论您从头开始编辑项目还是套用非线编中的工作流程,Smoke中强大的创意工具都可以帮助您提供高质量的后期制作内容。在工作流程中使用Smoke可以节省大量时间,因为您可以在一款软件中完成所有的后期制作任务。
Smoke 2015 Essential Training with Amy Leland
Autodesk Smoke’s interface and workflow make it accessible to editors who want not only the power of its finishing tools, but also an intuitive and welcoming interface. Amy Leland introduces you to this powerful video editing platform and reviews the workflows for timeline editing, color correction, 3D animation and compositing, and motion graphics. This course follows the workflow of a Smoke project, allowing editors to learn the major stepping-stones in the finishing process, from importing media to exporting your final project. Highlights include adding effects and transitions, working with 3D animation and other Action effects, color correcting footage, and creating 3D text.
Creating a project and user
Importing and organizing media
Editing in the timeline
Trimming in the timeline
Connecting scenes with transitions
Using timeline effects like 2D Transform and Action
Color correcting
Adding 3D objects to a scene
Working with titles and 3D text
Exporting your final project
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