Adobe Muse CC 是最近由adobe公司官方出品的cc系列软件之一,可让出版商及视觉设计师将内容放在网络上,使用熟悉的功能、数百种网页字体,并轻松地调整版面及页面大小,以便跨平台展示。通过 Adobe Business Catalyst 服务或任何托管提供者即可进行发布
Adobe(R) Muse(TM) lets designers create websites without writing code. Planning, designing, and publishing original HTML pages is as easy as creating layouts for print. With master pages, access to over 400 web fonts served by Adobe Typekit(R), built-in tools for interactivity, and a choice of publishing hosts, you can produce distinctive, professional websites that meet the latest web standards.
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