语言: 英语(无中文字幕)
使用软件: Final Cut Pro X
持续时间: 1小时10分
项目文件: 无
文件大小:1.00 GB
Learn commercial editing techniques that help sell your product and leave a lasting impression. Understand the “why” behind editorial decisions and how they support or detract from the message.
We show you where to begin; with a solid script and theme. After looking at a first pass of the edit, Abba and Steve break it down and point out where the commercial can be improved; honing it so the audience clearly understands what the story and the product are about, and how the product can help solve their problem.
Here are a few of the questions this tutorial addresses:
*Where is the best place to start when creating a commercial?
*How do I know if my commercial is effective?
*How do I create stronger conflict and resolution?
*How do I ensure my message isn’t being lost?
*Whose story is this anyway?
*How do I create a stronger emotional payoff?
Apply techniques that make your marketing more effective. Utilize the power of visual storytelling to sell ideas in ways that words are not able.
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