MAGIX Music Maker-最好的音乐软件,自己的歌曲,专辑和独特的声音! 这个软体允许你创建你的自己的音乐,声音轨迹和音乐视频,你能够发电子邮件和在Facebook, MySpace互联网路上出版他们。
一套适合初学者与专业音乐人使用的音乐编辑软件!拥有德国影音大厂 MAGIX 的「酷乐大师豪华版」,您不必要学习深奥的乐理知识,具备流畅的看谱和写谱能力,只要用鼠标将音乐或影片素材拖曳进来,加上内建专业级的虚拟乐器,再录进自己的歌声,就能在弹指间创作出专业顶级的乐曲!
Magix Music Maker 是电脑音乐制作、编辑、效果预览和输出软件的当之无愧的王者,仅仅在安装光盘启动时,伴随节奏强烈震撼的开场音乐,就带给使用者无与伦比的震叹和折服!软件界面极尽豪华!软件使用者可以任意编辑多音轨音频,并在编辑过程中随时预览音乐效果,支持多种乐器、多音色、多种不同风格流派的音乐和配器,内建多音轨专业级别音乐图视均衡器,内建多轨数字音频信号录制功能,内建卡拉OK功能,播放效果纤毫毕现,是专业音乐制作人的最佳选择。即使是非专业人员,也等于拥有了一个极其专业的数码音乐播放中心,所有所谓”电脑媒体中心”都相形见绌!同时,软件还支持为你所编辑和制作出的音乐添加符合音乐风格的配景与专业的转场效果,使制作出的音乐更加打动人!对懂得电脑音乐制作的专业人士来说,Magix Music Maker 将是你专业创作的无比利器.
MAGIX Music Maker 2014 Premium is the perfect start in the world of music production. Simply combine loops, add studio effects and record your own vocals and instruments.
The program is so intuitive that you’ll turn your ideas into professional sounding tracks in no time at all.
The Premium version offers more instruments, sounds and an expanded functionality including studio effects, 5.1 Surround Sound mixing and advanced mastering tools. Your tracks will sound better than ever thanks to the new Auto Mastering function. The new Vocal Tune feature makes it easy to correct any imperfections in your vocal recordings
MAGIX Music Maker 2014 Premium features over 5000 new loops & sounds from the genres of Rock Pop, Hip Hop, Dance, Techno, Chillout, Dubstep, House, Metal, Electro and Movie Score.
An additional 1000 top sounds are available as a free download from the Catooh Online Media Marketplace.
All samples can be combined with each other and with other melodies. They adjust automatically to the current song tempo, ensuring that you’re always in time with the beat. This way you can concentrate completely on your own sound while creating songs in any musical style!