NextLimit 发布 Maxwell Render,Maxwell Render 是一款可以不依附其他三维软件可以独立运行的渲染软件,采用了光谱的计算原理,打破了长久以来光能传递等渲染技术,使结果更逼真。Maxwell是一个基于真实光线物理特性的全新渲染引擎,按照完全精确的算法和公式来重现光线的行为。 Maxwell中所有的元素,比如灯光发射器,材质,灯光等等,都是完全依靠精确的物理模型产生的。可以纪录场境内所有元素之间相互影响的信息,所有的光线计算都是使用光谱信息和高动态区域数据来执行的。
NextLimit Maxwell Render V3
Maxwell Render is a standalone render engine for making perfect images, films and animations from 3D models. It is the complete solution for anyone who demands immaculate results on a deadline.
Maxwell Render offers maximum quality, speed, and compatibility for architects, designers and visual effects artists.
What’s New in Maxwell Render V3:
- Custom Sun Radius
- Procedurals
- Fast ML preview
- Improved FIRE voxelization
- Render Booleans
- Custom alphas
- New lenses
- Material Assistants
- Pixar Open SubDiv
- Blockable emitters
- Image projectors
- Maxwell Sea
- Maxwell Scatter
- Improved Motionblur
- Alembic
- Double-sided materials
- Deep Compositing
- Volumetrics
- 10 Nodes